Roster Policy on Privacy, Transparency, and Conflict of Interest

Objectives and Expectations for Use of Names Information


Creston Improvement Association Resident Lists.

Adopted by the Creston Association Board : 2014-03-05


PRIVACY FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION is a primary consideration. Use of any names for the Association data base will be protected against any exploitation or misuse. Deviations or exceptions will be reported to persons who might be put at risk by misuse, to the Roster List originators, and to our Board. If roster data escapes inappropriately, affected residents will be informed in a timely fashion.


Restricted Data: Roster List is not shared outside of those Board Members, and Contributors who are known to make use of the list, or parts of the list, in the best interest of Creston home owners and renters.

Good Cause: names, addresses, etc. can be used Creston Board Members and relevant Contributors for good reason, to serve interest of board or residents.

Limitation: Roster is not for blanket use without good cause. Users should limit use by Sort, and Segmentation of the Roster to meet minimum target group requested. Release no more specific Roster Column information than is requested. Make individual communications when possible, not to groups until groups of common interest are clear.

Segmentation: Roster data is better released to other others in segments of particular interest, so that whatever detail reach only long already identified as of interest. If wider distribution is sought, then contact only the smallest group reasonable.

Legality: Communications which could encroach legal boundaries should be carefully evaluated, with mutual agreements better than individual guessing.

Conflicts of Interest (COI): Personal gain as reason for reporting or list use should not be evident or possible to construe. Examples of COI are use of list for political or financial impact on one's self, relatives, associates. The Association's interest concerns affairs of homeowners in-common.

Transparency, Trust, Communication, Freedom of Expression. Such objectives as these are of compelling concern and should remain high on our shared method of interaction.

BCC Mailings (segments or whole) are preferred without good cause to share personal data. Small segments could be disclosed in an email where common interest and visibility has already be agreed or presumed.

Reporting: Any unintended or questionable exposure of roster names outside the general objectives listed here should be reported to The Creston Improvement Association Board, who will review any such incidents and records made..

Sharing: Holders of the List should be known, recorded, and limited to the Board originator or her collaborating Contributor. New Entries and Corrections should be shared with appointed holders of the List when discovered.

This proposal file is available for discussion on the creston-ca google group,

with revisions- by the Creston Board as may develop

orig 2012m1100 - adopted 2014m0305
